
直播峰会 focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities inherent in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, 包括摄入, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, 以及事后评价.

无论你是流媒体一次性娱乐, news, sports, esports, 或者礼拜活动, 或者提供重复的实时内容, 我们会帮你的. 而其他活动则侧重于活动视频制作, 直播峰会将其提升到一个新的水平, covering the technologies and strategies required to take that video and deliver it to viewers watching on computers, tablets, mobile phones, set-top boxes, and smart TVs.

流媒体的直播峰会是美国唯一的直播峰会.S. 活动旨在解决与直播相关的最高级别的问题和机会. This is a must-attend show for technical and business decision makers whose jobs depend on delivering successful large-scale live events and live linear channels online. 


直播峰会 may be registered for separately or is included with our Platinum Pass option.

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Tuesday, May 8



Welcome & 开幕主题演讲:用Facebook Live创建社区

5月8日星期二上午9:00.m. - 10:00 a.m.

全球推出已有两年, Facebook Live’s product manager shares a look back at the way Live has brought people and communities together via key innovations, and how the interactivity of Live is inspiring new video experiences for people and publishers on Facebook.


, Facebook Live产品经理, Facebook


Tuesday, May 8



LS101. 社交直播视频:新有线电视

5月8日星期二上午10:30.m. - 11:30 a.m.

结合了世界上最大的观看派对和对错过的天然恐惧, 社交直播视频是今天必看的电视节目. 新常态是能够随时随地观察发生的每件事,而且是实时的. 随着越来越多的观众切断有线电视,观看习惯转向社交媒体, 问题是:社交平台正在成为新的有线电视吗? This panel looks beyond the white noise to talk social live programming and the media partnerships that shape how video is consumed.


, 执行副总裁 & General Manager, 天际线新媒体


, GM, Live, Vimeo

, CEO, B Live

, 工程经理, Facebook

, 总裁、执行制片人, Content.23 Media, Inc


LS102. 提供实时线性OTT

5月8日星期二上午11:45.m. - 12:30 p.m.

未来几年,OTT的收视率将超过有线电视, it has never been more important to learn to navigate the challenges of delivering live linear programming. 自动化带来的麻烦, ingest, encoding, metadata, and ad insertion, linear content strategy must also include a conversation of getting it there and keeping it running around the clock. This discussion centers around how to properly package and integrate live linear content for OTT distribution.


, 首席执行官,制片人/执行制片人,导演和OTT顾问, 广播管理集团有限公司.


, TD Ameritrade网络总监, TD Ameritrade

, 高级软件工程经理, Video, Hulu

, 首席增长官, Signiant

, Sr. 首席解决方案架构师, M&E, AWS


LS103. 实时视频的多重分发

5月8日星期二下午1:45.m. - 2:30 p.m.

流媒体到多个目的地已经成为一种规则,而不是例外. The increased availability of hardware encoders and cloud distribution solutions has made it easier than ever to stream to multiple viewing points and platforms. 从白色标签网站和应用程序到Facebook等平台, Twitter, and Twitch, 让你的内容出现在整个网络从未如此简单. This session discusses current technologies and the costs associated with the multidistribution of live video.


, Founder, 流媒体学习中心


LS104. Latency Matters & Masters

5月8日星期二下午2:45.m. - 3:30 p.m.

数据包、缓存、边缘、GO! 你的直播有多实时? 落后一点都不好玩. Live blogs, Twitter feeds, 电视传输的速度可能会破坏每个在线用户的现场体验. 从现场活动和娱乐到电子竞技和在线游戏, 几乎每个实时流都可以从减少延迟中获益. 但是有这么多的影响因素,你能控制的只有这么多. 不要让往返时间让你夜不能寐. 从低延迟流的大师那里了解延迟的重要性.


, 工程副总裁, LiveU


, Vice President、产品营销、 INXPO

, WW Channels & Alliances, Watson Media & Weather, IBM

, CEO, nanocosmos


LS105. 直播焦点

5月8日星期二下午4点.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Leaders in live streaming present case studies that take you behind the scenes of some of the industry’s biggest success stories. 

4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

每一段内容都讲述着两个故事. 当观众按下“播放”按钮时,故事就会被讲述出来,每个内容都有一个故事,告诉玩家可以在哪里玩. 第二个故事是在元数据中讲述的. This presentation will examine the myriad factors that must be addressed to deliver the right programing with associated information from machine to machine, 以及一个成熟的内容交付策略来考虑每个因素. It’s a critical, 日益复杂的函数, 如今,需要考虑的因素比以往任何时候都多. Content providers must perform a flawless balancing act to optimize content monetization in an ocean of mobile screens, 合同的限制, live events, 有针对性的区域规划.




- SCTE 224:现代元数据管理


-使用SCTE 224进行审计和验证


, 杰出的工程师, Comcast

Wednesday, May 9




5月9日,星期三,上午9:00.m. - 10:00 a.m.

在克里斯·费特纳25年的媒体生涯中,他一直是一名摄影师, editor, 世界上一些最有影响力的娱乐公司的制作人和技术领导者. 在Netflix任职期间,他领导了公司4K和HDR制作流程的转型. 为了这次主题演讲,克里斯召集了一个创意小组 & technology professionals to discuss bridging the technical divide between creative storytelling and innovations in consumer consumption on streaming platforms. 这将是一个令人兴奋的会议,涵盖热门的制作主题,如HDR, 4K, immersive audio, 更宽的色域. Don’t miss this in-depth discussion about the challenges of bringing new technologies to the creative ecosystem.


, 媒体工程全球总监 & Partnerships, Netflix


, Manager,后期制作, Netflix

, 摄影师(杰西卡·琼斯、卢克·凯奇等)

, Colorist, Technicolor-PostWorks

, Co-Founder & President, 港湾影业公司

, President, Eurofins数字媒体服务


Wednesday, May 9



LS201. 直播焦点

5月9日,星期三:上午10:30.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Leaders in live streaming present case studies that take you behind the scenes of some of the industry’s biggest success stories. 详情即将公布!

Streaming Highest Quality Live and VOD Content over Commodity Internet with Aspera FASPStream Technology
10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

For years, broadcasters and content distributors have searched for fully proven methods of streaming live events and video on demand content globally at the highest quality over commodity Internet. 然而,现有的解决方案不可靠(或不可能)!) on challenging and unpredictable network conditions; latency and distance dramatically impaired performance. Until now. 来了解IBM aspa流媒体视频解决方案, 由FASPStream提供支持, 能否提供卫星和光纤的高质量传输体验, 而是通过更实惠和广泛可用的标准IP网络, 还有“零延迟”." As a result, 许多人看到了一直使用双向电路的好处, 显著降低配送成本, 并支持更灵活的工作流集成.


, 战略计划工程师-流媒体视频, IBM旗下的阿斯帕公司

11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

You know it, I know it, 我们都知道:多个目的地的直播有助于提高观众参与度. 但你有没有评估过,在“点赞”的表面层面之外,同步直播的价值,” “thumbs-up,” and “shares?“它们创造的价值比人们想象的要多. Let’s dig deeper and discuss the power simulcasting has in creating a more inclusive online environment, 以及建立更牢固的外部和内部关系. 通过检查不同的用例, we earn a better understanding of why this phenomenon continues to take various industries by storm.


, CEO, Switchboard Live


LS202. 参与数字平台的现场体验

5月9日星期三上午11:45.m. - 12:30 p.m.

拙劣的设计和实现是优秀内容的敌人. 不管你的观众有多想看你的OTT内容, 正是互动工具和易于使用的玩家让他们不断回访. 让用户下载应用程序或访问你的网站只是成功的一半. 他们到达那里后会看到和感觉到什么? 构建引人注目的用户体验可能是一个巨大的挑战. This panel explores digital platform and player design proven to drive viewer engagement and brand loyalty.


, Chief Evangelist, Panopto


, 业务发展执行董事 & Strategy, 康卡斯特技术解决方案

, 首席运营官,解决方案架构, OMNIGON

, 董事总经理, 橄榄球频道

, 美洲副总裁, Ex Machina


LS203. 导航算法,以达到您的受众

5月9日星期三下午1:45.m. - 2:45 p.m.

社交平台一直在与低质量的用户体验作斗争. 但在他们打击假新闻的努力中, spam, 以及无意义的内容, 他们的算法变化可能会产生意想不到的后果. 视频直播的不可预测性和病毒式传播特性, 在阻止什么之间找到平衡是很困难的, protect, 或者传递给他们的观众网络. 屏幕上的文字太多, 错误的关键字, or the painfully slow review process to boost a post—all can set you back when trying to engage with your audience. 这个小组讨论了改变社会算法的方式, ranking systems, 质量评估对直播视频也有影响.


, 流媒体产业传播者, Wowza媒体系统


, CEO, Easy Live

, Video Producer, Urbanist

, 首席数字官, Nasdaq

, 内容高级经理, 美国高尔夫球协会


LS204. 直播的未来

5月9日星期三下午3:15.m. - 4:00 p.m.

社交媒体可能赢得了胜利, 但新的捕捉和显示技术正在带来新的现场体验. 专门的流媒体应用程序的想法可能看起来过时了, but that hasn’t stopped media companies and publishers from investing lots of time and resources into developing the next generation of destination viewing. 同时出现在任何地方都没有坏处, 但社交网络会继续主导并取代传统的观看习惯吗? Or will people get lost in content overload and move back to a more premium and focused environment? 加入这个小组,因为他们试图预测直播的未来.


, 创意总监, LiveX


, 广播工程联合主任, Cheddar

, 广播工程联合主任, Cheddar

, Founder and CEO, Ultracast

Wednesday, May 9




5月9日,星期三:下午4:15.m. - 5:00 p.m.

人们越来越多地通过新渠道消费新形式的内容. Join Google’s Rachel Berk to learn more about Google’s efforts in providing new experiences in entertainment and to gain insights on where video is headed next. 

ATTENTION ALL ATTENDEES: Attend the Closing Keynote Session for your chance to win a LiveU Solo and SlingStudio Prize Package valued at over $3,500, courtesy of LiveU. 必须在场才能赢! Learn more.


, 业务拓展经理, Android/Play, Google

Tracks & Special Events


Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, 和业务开发主管:这是您在流媒体东部的家. This forward-thinking track offers high-level strategic discussions where you can learn from the best where the online video economy is moving.

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专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. The video ecosystem is a fragmented mix of platforms and devices: Learn from the pros how you can eliminate the bottlenecks and deliver results.

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本课程将探讨这个美丽新世界的技术、金融和伦理含义. 不要落在后面! 你会对如何使你的整个操作更聪明有更深的理解, faster, 更有利可图.

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Discovery Track

Sessions in this track are educational and the presentations which typically focus on products and customer case-studies, 提供一个很好的机会来了解更多关于特定技术或供应商的信息. 开放给所有与会者和发现通行证持有人.

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The 视频营销力量峰会 is a one-day conference where we'll look at the obstacles challenging advertisers and publishers, 提供接触消费者的策略, work, and shop. 

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内容交付峰会是一个为期一天的会议,汇集了运营商, telcos, ISPs, and premium content owners for a detailed look at the technology and platforms being used to deliver and accelerate web content.

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直播峰会 focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities inherent in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, 包括摄入, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, 以及事后评价.

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流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. This series of workshops at 流媒体东部2018 offers attendees the opportunity to get deep-dive training on online video and streaming technologies and provides the sound theories and practicted techniques to beome a top performer in the online video field.

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