

Friday, November 3, 2017

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.


Facebook是一个拥有超过20亿人的社区,越来越多的人选择视频作为交流和互动的方式. This presentation will walk through Facebook video including upload, encoding, and a new product Live With. Live With可用于iOS上的所有配置文件和页面, letting you invite a friend into your live video so you can hang out together, 或者将对话广播给观众. In this talk, Nick Ruff将讨论Facebook如何在视频流技术之间架起桥梁,使实时多方广播成为可能.

Nick Ruff,工程师,视频基础设施团队- Facebook
9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Streaming Media 杂志读者选择奖颁奖典礼

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Join Streaming Media Magazine editor, Eric Schumacher-Rassmusen, and emcee, Jose Castillo of ThinkJose, 在我们庆祝年度优胜者的时候 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards. 

This year's ceremony will take place directly following the morning Kickoff Session, 所以一定要早点来找个座位!

In addition to the awards ceremony, the winners will be featured in an article in Streaming Media magazine and on StreamingMedia.com,以及我们的流媒体额外通讯.

了解更多关于2017年 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards visit here.



10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

A201 - Streaming to Social Media: Targeting Facebook, Twitch, Periscope和YouTube Live

Facebook, Twitch, Periscope和YouTube Live. This session will demonstrate how to publish a video stream to multiple social media networks, simultaneously. 我们将探索常见的陷阱,并揭示确保您的流正确到达的最佳实践和工具, in compliance, 并配置了适当的编解码器和流配置文件. 离开时,你会明白如何为你的社交媒体受众提供一致和可靠的体验.

Tim DoughertyWowza Media Systems销售工程总监

B201 - Case Study: Producing the First Live 4K Stream From Space

In this presentation, attendees will learn how NASA and Amazon Web Services engineered a complete, resilient, 以及可重复的工作流程,使用可扩展的云和软件支持的工作流程,为各地的观众带来了这个行业首创的活动. Among the many insights that will be shared: live 4K transcoding in the cloud; the role compression efficiency plays in on-going deep space discovery; overcoming bandwidth constraints on the ISS and on Earth; the implication of cloud-enabled live 4K video streaming for public sector applications in defense, security, first responders, law enforcement, energy and other segments; even how to get an encoder into orbit.

Josh Winstead,技术营销工程师- AWS Elemental
Justin Benjamin,亚马逊网络服务直播技术项目经理
Brian Kelly,国际空间站商业元素经理-美国国家航空航天局

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Per-title encoding techniques customize the encoding ladder to match the encoding complexity of the source, saving bandwidth on easy-to-compress videos and ensuring the quality of more complex footage. 本节比较效率, implementation issues, and costs of multiple commercially available and open-source alternatives, 比如Capella Systems Cambria Encoder, 来自多个供应商的压缩优化, 以及使用Ffmpeg的备选方案. Learn what per-title encoding is, how the various options work, and which is the best option for you.

Jan Ozer,流媒体学习中心创始人

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l201 -现场讲故事与虚拟现实 & 360° Video

VR and 360° offer brands and publishers new ways of telling stories and presenting live events to viewers. In order to be successful, though, 他们不仅需要了解技术,还需要了解制作沉浸式视频的艺术,这些视频将迫使观众戴上耳机(或至少是谷歌纸板),获得超越传统内容的体验. 该小组邀请了内容和技术方面的专家,为与会者提供了一个完整的“视野”,以进入新兴的VR和360°视频世界.

Moderator: Tim Siglin, Founding Executive Director - Help Me Stream Research Foundation
Mark Alamares, CEO - Mobeon
Mark Kassen,电影制作人/演员-志同道合的娱乐
Devon Copley,产品主管,VR平台/Ozo -诺基亚技术
Michael Mansouri, Co-Founder - Radiant Images

DT201 - Discovery Track

10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

如今,视频内容在各种各样的设备上消费,而达到所有这些设备的最常见方法通常涉及为每个平台创建一个包含专用本机视频播放器的专用应用程序. While great for their viewers, 大多数采用这种方法的公司发现,他们支持的每台新设备都会带来新的技术和操作挑战. 尽管这些挑战几乎是不可避免的, there is a different approach available in the Universal Video Player, 一个视频播放器在所有应用程序中使用.


参加这个环节,你就有机会赢了: 三袋Chokotoff比利时巧克力(价值15美元)

Pieter-Jan Speelmans, CTO - THEO Technologies
Cloud Transcoding with Hybrik

Hybrik powers some the largest video operations in the world, including Sony, Vevo, and Technicolor. Hybrik delivers a complete media processing solution including transcoding, quality control, and media analysis. 而且,Hybrik比其他云解决方案便宜90%. 来看看为什么流媒体将Hybrik评为NAB“最佳节目”!

参加这个环节,你就有机会赢了: iPad Mini ($350 value)

David Trescot, CEO - Hybrik
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


市场渴求开源, freely available, low-latency, 类似udp的互联网流媒体方法. 本次会议将汇集SRT联盟成员和行业专家,讨论SRT开源视频传输协议,以及它如何通过安全的流和易于穿越防火墙来优化不可预测网络的流性能, 在最差的网络上提供最高质量的直播视频. 会议还将讨论UDP与SRT相结合如何成为视频贡献和分发的理想传输,并详细介绍该联盟如何加速视频流解决方案的互操作性,并促进与行业领导者的合作,以实现更低延迟的互联网视频传输.Consumption of video is changing as new platforms, formats, and industry dynamics evolve. 从4K的曙光到Snapchat Discover, the quality, quantity, 各种各样的视频体验每天都在增长. This panel looks at the future of broadcast and video services in a multi-screen world, attempting to peer in to the near future to explore issues both at the fore, such as 4K, and still on the fringe, such as virtual reality.

Moderator: Thierry Fautier,副总裁,视频策略-谐波
Keith Weinberger,产品管理总监,视频解决方案- Limelight
Jeff Tyler,微软数字媒体主管
David Sayed, VP, Product Strategy & 产品营销- Brightcove

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B202 -案例研究:现场视频的力量

Over the past year, 描述暴力行为和社会不公正行为的视频被现场拍摄,并在社交媒体和新闻平台上分享,突显了实时新闻可能产生的影响. 实时视频在数字出版商和广播公司的编辑策略中扮演着越来越重要的角色——他们的受众希望在多种设备和平台上看到一系列的实时报道. They are still looking for breaking and key news events but now they also want to see political, cultural and religious events, red carpet coverage, product launches, technology shows, sports news and more. This presentation by the AP will highlight what audiences want from live video, 新闻机构如何将其纳入日常编辑策略,直播视频如何融入更广泛的新闻议程.

Bill Burke, Director, U.S. 音像制品-美联社



LS202 -直播聚光灯

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Facebook是一个拥有20多亿人的社区,越来越多的人选择视频作为交流和互动的方式. In this talk, Amit Puntambekar将通过直播视频和大规模直播视频编码考虑的一些独特挑战.

Amit Puntambekar,视频平台- Facebook工程经理
Networking with Facebook
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

DT202 - Discovery Track

Cloud-Based Distribution and Decoration of Broadcast Channels for Better OTT Linear Services
11:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

在一个无处不在的OTT视频消费世界里, 跟踪和匹配内容版权与观众的位置, subscriptions or devices, is a much taller order than for traditional set-top box based broadcast or pay TV. OTT TV also promises better monetization via the untapped potential of dynamic and targeted insertions. 特别是对于广播线性频道, 版权分辨率和更智能的插入要求频道提供商向其OTT合作伙伴提供具有干净可靠元数据的视频. This new distribution and decoration of linear channels is a key component of the OTT value chain.

参加这个环节,你就有机会赢了: 三功能手电筒/手写笔

Jean Macher, Business Development Director, SaaS Solutions - Harmonic, Inc.
11:55 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

As ultra high-definition content is becoming available in streaming services, getting ready to protect this highly valuable content is more important than ever. Deploying forensic watermarking solutions is a key component of protecting this content. 了解将水印部署到流工作流程中的不同方式,以及如何采用360°方法实现目标安全结果.

参加这个环节,你就有机会赢了: 变色咖啡杯(价值10美元)

Erik Hietbrink,技术产品经理-爱迪德
12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.


1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

A203 - Publisher Tools and Content Discovery on the Roku Platform

Roku是流媒体电视的先驱,为内容出版商和开发商提供了一个独特的平台. In this session, Roku将提供出版商可用工具的概述, how to make the most of them and what monetization strategy is right for your content. Some topics covered will be new enhancements to Roku Direct Publisher, advertising tools and capabilities and some updated features and content discovery.

Ben StrongRoku,产品管理总监

B203 - Microsoft Stream, Microsoft Teams, and Skype for Business

Microsoft has been extremely busy this year with announcements on its collaboration strategy. So what does this mean for your enterprise video streaming strategy? This session will detail the features and functionality of Microsoft Stream as it exists today, 微软流的路线图, 以及它与您当前的实现有何不同. 特别的细节将集中在微软流直播功能以及集成微软团队.

Andy Howard, Founder & Managing Director - Howard & Associates

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Low latency and fast startup times are KPIs for most streaming video producers, particularly for live events. 通过一系列测量启动时间的结构化测试, latency, and network overhead, this session documents the results achieved by reducing fragment sizes, using hybrid fragment sizes, 调整播放器参数,如在播放开始前检索的第一个变体和检索的片段数量, 打开玩家和服务器之间的持久连接, and other experiments. Results will be shown for computer playback as well as tvOS and Roku. 您将了解最小化启动时间和延迟的最有效策略,而不会因额外的HTTP请求而使网络不堪重负, and what you'll need to do to implement them in your encoding and delivery workflows.

Jan Ozer,流媒体学习中心创始人
David Hassoun, CEO - RealEyes Media
Jun Heider, CTO - RealEyes Media

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随着直播活动越来越受欢迎, latency—whether time to first frame or end-to-end—is the elephant in the room. Live event streams are competing not only with broadcast and cable, but also with social media, 观众对长时间延迟的容忍度正在下降. In this session, learn about the various ways to reduce latency at all points in your live streaming workflow, 从收购到交付到视频播放器.

Moderator: Jason Thibeault流媒体视频技术联盟执行董事
Rob DillonDillon Media Ventures首席策略师
Lee Erickson, NASA/SAIC首席流媒体工程师
Charley Thomas, Limelight Networks高级工程师
Rob Post, VP of Engineering - Hulu

DT203 - Discovery Track

Adtech’s Armageddon Was 2016? When Is Yours?

Remarkably....the major advertising holding companies are pulling out of Cannes. Instead, they are retargeting those resources towards data platforms and artificial intelligence. When digital marketing flows disrupt TV media buying, will your clients be ready?

Steven Rahman, Intertrust产品营销总监

观众已经首先移动化了. 这意味着OTT和TVOD生产商需要改变他们的思维模式,将移动战略放在他们规划和发展的最前沿. In this presentation, Phunware的Daniel Blackburn分析了这种改变游戏规则的转变,以及内容制作人如何通过从开发到发布和用户参与的精明移动战略取得成功.

参加这个环节,你就有机会赢了: Apple TV 4K (32GB)(179美元)

Daniel Blackburn, Media & 娱乐实践总监- Phunware
2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.


3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

A204 -建立一个端到端的流工作流

尽管这项技术越来越容易使用, building end-to-end streaming workflows can still be challenging. In this session, we walk you through installing software and building numerous on-demand and live streaming workflows. Along the way, we cover options and best practices for each step. 应用场景包括企业视频, mobile journalism, sporting events, concerts, education use cases, and many more. You learn about streaming formats and architectures (including on-premises vs. cloud vs. 混合),以及针对特定需求的技术和解决方案.

Tim DoughertyWowza Media Systems销售工程总监

LS204 - Live Streaming Today & Tomorrow

峰会以小组讨论结束,讨论了2017年的直播状况,并展望了未来的发展方向. Will its growth continue unfettered, or are there roadblocks that will slow the expansion? 它面临的关键技术和业务挑战是什么? 像HEVC这样的新技术将扮演什么角色, HDR, 4K, 和VR/360°播放在明天的直播?

Moderator: Chris Knowlton, Chief Evangelist - Panopto
Dan Swiney,领英媒体工程主管
Dror Gill, CTO & VP Product - Beamr, Israel
Aaron Ruiz,业务发展经理- Streamlabs
John Petrocelli, CEO/Founder - Bulldog DM
Skip Pizzi, Vice President, Technology Education and Outreach - National Association of Broadcasters


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